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Booking, Commissioning, and Teaching

Bruce Lazarus may be commisioned to compose music for solo instruments, solo instruments or voice with piano, chamber music, choral music, and orchestral music. Commissioning fees vary according to length of piece and number of instruments. For further information please email directly at

Please see Swirly Music and Compositions to identify pieces for your voice, instrument, chorus, and chamber ensemble. 


Bruce Lazarus may be engaged to perform his solo piano, astronomy-themed Musical Explorations of the Messier Catalogue of Star Clusters and Nebulae, in whole or part depending on the length of desired program. Most often Messier performances are accompanied by a beautiful Powerpoint slide show of the celestial objects, and include a pre-concert talk and question-and-answer session afterward.


​Carrolling: The Lewis Carroll Project, a one-hour cabaret-theater for singer-actors and piano, may be performed in whole or part depending on length of desired program, with either two (man and woman) or four (two men, two women) singer-actors with piano.  



Dr. Lazarus is available to teach college-level classroom courses in Music in the Life of Cities, Music for Dance, Stravinsky and Picasso, 20th-21st Century Music, Music Theory and Composition, orchestration, and piano. Please inquire at for specific qualifications. 

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